Sunday, June 12, 2011

Wedding Event in Kailua - Cheryl & Brett Krueger

Alooooooha!!! It was a fun, eventfull day yesterday. We woke up early and got a early move on as it was King Kamehameha day. Parades were going on, and we needed to get last minute supplies. A trip to Costco, Office Max, Hawaii Ice Company, and a few local farmers to get some needed supplies. Mostly berries, mint, and fresh limes for our specialty cocktails which were Cucumber Mojito's and Berry Caipirhinia's. We loaded up our portable bars, back bar tables, and drove to the Kailua Vacation house of Waterfalls B&B to set up. We wheel in our portable bars, meet the wedding planner and her set up staff. During our set up the local neighborhood dog didn't like us as we were intruding onto his property, and gave us a little nip on the leg. That didn't stop us, we aren't going to let a little dog nip stop our amazing bartending service. Business as usual.

The reception started at six and the guests are starting to arrive. We're all set-up, ready to go, bar menu is on the bar top and people are excited with the selection of specialty drinks. The Berry Caipirhinia was a huge hit. Muddled with Black and Blue Berries, Raw Maui Sugar, and fresh Limes. We added Leblon Cacha, a dash of Chambord, shook it hard and poured it into crushed ice. Voila, perfection!!! What will be your specialty cocktails that we create for your next special event, private party, or wedding??? Everybody was in great spirits with Lift Your Spiritz.

People were rocking out to Tony So, a amazing DJ, and they had a great slide show. Ps. Thanks Tony for your help, it was great working with you agin. Primo Suishi was also there and had a very professional set up. You can find them at Oceans 808 nightclub.

It did start raining later on in the night but it didn't stop the fun on the dancefloor. It actually accentuated it. People were dancing, getting wet, falling down, laughing and having the times of their lives.

I'd like to say a personal Thank-you to the bride and groom - Cheryl and Brett Krueger. You have wonderful family, friends, and co-workers.