Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Bartending Event at Loulu Palms


Lift Your Spiritz - Hawaii's Mobile Bartending Service was at it again. We have a very busy week ahead of us. We would also like to appologize to our following. We lost contact with our blog and stopped posting for a very long time. We were doing events but they weren't being documented, thanks for understanding.

We will be doing a baby shower at Oasis Waterfront Estate on Sunday and Trump Tower Waikiki on Tuesday. The event at Loulu Palms was awesome. The family and friends of the bride and groom were amazing. Thanks for keeping us company, we enjoyed u. Our only set back was a little bit of traffic on the H-1 on our way there. There was a little bit of rain, but as we were on our way up to the North Shore it disappated and gave us clear, happy skies. We truly do love bartending weddings at Loulu palms and their supervisor staff rock. Thank guys!!! Remember us for your next bartending event. Remember: When you are Partying ... We're Pouring. http://www.BartendHawaii.com